I am interested to hear from nurses and clinical staff who may have worked with artists, performers and actors to explore how they work with patients around the complex daily interactions. Ultimately how communication might be improved through the arts. I have some visitors from a Portuguese nursing/education context coming to the Manchester School of Art around September 8th/9th/10th and want to workshop some ideas with them to explore new possibilities in nursing education. Please email if this resonates, or you might like to be involved. As with all North West Arts & Health Networking events, it’s free, so I can’t offer hard cash - but together, we can try to change things.
Artist Warwick Thornton shares his startling images of Indigenous children in 'fast-food suicide vests' at the Anna Schwartz Gallery. Here’s an extract about the show, The Future is Unforgiving. "An Aboriginal boy named Sterling looks down, clutching his chest, which is bare except for the suicide vest of McDonald’s take-away containers crudely strapped to it."MADE, a multimedia arts exhibition featuring the work of over 60 learning disabled visual artists, which explores the theme of ‘the natural versus the manufactured’, is opening at the People’s History Museum on the 25th July. Over the last 12 months artists with learning disabilities have worked together with the Venture Arts team to produce the work for the MADE exhibition from their studio in Hulme, Manchester. Over 100 pieces of new and vibrant work have been created in preparation for the exhibition using a range of artistic media including drawing, painting, animation, printmaking, art as environment, 3D sculpture, illustration, photography, ceramics and textiles.
The Elephant Trust has announced that the next deadline for applications is the 19th October 2015. The Trust offers grants to artists and for new, innovative visual arts projects based in the UK. The Trust's aim is to make it possible for artists and those presenting their work to undertake and complete projects when confronted by lack of funds. The Trust supports projects that develop and improve the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the fine arts. Priority is now being given to artists and small organisations and galleries who should submit well argued, imaginative proposals for making or producing new work or exhibitions. Arts Festivals are not supported. The Trust normally awards grants of up to £2,000, but larger grants may be considered. Click on the tigers eye for more details.
The City Health Care Partnership Foundation has announced that the next deadline for its small grant programme is the 1st September 2015. The programme provides grants or donations of up to £1,000 to local voluntary and community organisations, schools and/or other not-for-profit organisations to carry out activities, projects or one-off events that contribute towards the health and wellbeing of people throughout the UK. To be eligible, groups and organisations needs to have been in existence for at least one year, have an annual income of less than £30,000 and work for the benefit of the local community in which CHCP CIC operates.