2020+ Art, Society and Public Health - Tickets Available Now

2020+ Art, Society and Public Health 
...is now open for booking. This free event will take place in the Manchester School of Art on the 7th October with opportunities to hear from others in the field from different countries and cultures. CLICK HERE to register. If you’d like the opportunity to present or workshop ideas (15 mins max) around your practice/research send no more than 200 words explaining what you do and why you’d like to share it and send it by the end of play on Sunday 6th September to artsforhealth@aol.com

National Alliance News
Want to know more about the National Alliance for Arts, Health and Wellbeing and what it’s been up to? Read about the All Party Parliamentary Group for Arts, Health and Wellbeing and more, by clicking HERE.

Art & Recovery: A symposium exploring the relationship between art, addiction and recovery
13 October 2015 / 10am-12:30pm
Castlefield Gallery

Join this debate on the value of art within the addiction & recovery agenda. Speaking at the event will be Clive Parkinson, Director of Arts for Health at MMU, Social Scientist Dr Ali Roy from UCLAN, Zoe Zontou, a Lecturer in Drama at Liverpool Hope University, UKRF founding Director & recovery activist, Alistair Sinclair and founding Director & Twelve commissioner, Mark Prest from Portraits of Recovery. See more and register by clicking on the Melanie Manchot photograph below.

Ideas & Pioneers Fund opens for applications 
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation is inviting applications from small constituted organisations that have unique ideas to improve the life chances and opportunities of individuals and communities in the UK. The new Ideas and Pioneers Fund, which is being delivered by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, is providing seed funding for social change. Grants of up to £30,000 are available for up to 18 months to support ideas with unusual promise that will improve the life chances and opportunities of individuals and communities in the UK. Funding is available to people working on their own; partnerships or small teams of people working independently, i.e. not as part of an organisation or association; and people working in small organisations with a constitution. Go into the woods below to find out more.

Transitions in Later Life Funding
The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation is accepting applications to its Transitions in Later Life Fund. The fund is for projects that enhance emotional and mental wellbeing by drawing on resilience-building approaches and showing how these can be applied in pre-retirement to equip people for other later life transitions. Organisations registered in the UK and Republic of Ireland interested in advancing mental wellbeing for people in later life can apply and preference will be given to applications that build on current knowledge, expertise and build capacity in existing projects. There will be a financial support element of around £25,000 but the focus is on providing practical support through consultancy and collaboration. The deadline for submitting a proposal is 5pm on 11th September 2015. Read more by clicking the pixels below.


Expanding Use of Technology for Mental Health

More than half of people with mental illness are not receiving the care they need, but technology is offering those in need more ways to access mental health help.  While using technology is not new, it is rapidly changing and expanding.  A June 2015 World Health Organization report notes that 6 six percent of all mobile health apps relate to mental health.

A look at a few examples of the ways technology is improving mental health care:

Assess/ Track Symptoms

Technology is being used to help individuals and their physicians track depression symptoms. For example, one app helps monitor mental health by tracking in real time responses to depression screening questions. Many emergency rooms are now using remote access to psychiatrists to provide psychiatric services  that would not otherwise have been available.

Access to Therapy Remotely

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and other talk therapies are increasingly being provided remotely.  A recent study looking at computer and Internet based CBT found it to be a promising treatment for youth with depression and anxiety.


Technology allows people to connect to others for sharing, understanding, support and community.  For example, the Love is Louder campaign, a collaboration of The Jed Foundation, MTV and Brittany Snow, has hundreds of thousands of participants in its efforts to address issues such as bullying, discrimination, loneliness and depression. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has developed a support app, NAMIAir (Anonymous, Inspiring, and Relatable), for people looking to connect and talk about mental health. It is designed for use by individuals with mental illines and their families and allows people to share experiences and receive encouragement.


Numerous apps are available to help people who have difficulty with communication, such as many people with autism, to express themselves.  The apps are changing the lives of many children and adults with autism.

But experts offer a word of caution when considering using technology to aid in mental health. One recent review of smartphone uses for mental health concluded that “mobile apps for mental health have the potential to be effective in reducing depression, anxiety, stress and possibly substance use.” However, the authors caution that few have been tested and found effective and they call for further research and possibly regulation.(1) Another group of researchers looking at smartphone apps for anxiety concluded that the apps can be useful for self-help and can complement existing treatment. However, they also cautioned that patients should be wary about security, privacy, and effectiveness.(2)


(1) Donker T, Petrie K, Proudfoot J, et al. Smartphones for Smarter Delivery of Mental Health Programs: A Systematic Review

(2) Chan S, Torous J, Misra S, et al. Smartphone apps for anxiety: A Review of Commercially Available Apps Using a Heuristic Review Framework. Poster presentation at Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, 2015.

By Deborah Cohen, Senior Writer, APA

Celebrating the Progress and Promise of the ADA

Twenty-five years ago, on July 26, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed into law the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA and the subsequent ADA Amendments Act, signed in 2008 by President George W. Bush, expanded opportunities for Americans with disabilities by reducing barriers and changing perceptions.  As a result, our society is more open and accessible to people with disabilities today than it was just a generation ago.

The ADA prohibits discrimination based on disability in employment, services rendered by state and local governments, places of public accommodation, transportation, and telecommunication services.

While the ADA mandates equal access to employment for people with a physical or mental impairment, two-thirds of Americans with disabilities are still unemployed or underemployed, a number that has not changed since the ADA became law. Truly, employment remains the unfulfilled promise of the ADA.

In a recent Catholic News Service article, Marian Vessels, director of the Mid-Atlantic ADA Center in Rockville, Md., suggested the need to address disabilities that may not be apparent or obvious, noting: “accommodations need to be made for people with psychiatric issues, people with PTSD, people with a variety of different learning disabilities.” Addressing these concerns is critical to expanding opportunity for those with mental or intellectual disabilities, as well as those with physical disabilities.

The Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition (IDAC), a program of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), partnered with the ADA Legacy Project, the Collaborative on Faith and Disability, and the ADA National Network to celebrate the progress and recommit to the promise of the ADA. We developed worship and education resources, a proclamation for faith communities to commit to full implementation of the ADA, and hosted an interfaith worship service celebrating 25 years of the ADA, July 26 in Washington, D.C.

While the 25th anniversary of the signing of the ADA has passed, the opportunity to recommit ourselves to expanding access and opportunity for Americans with disabilities remains, whether those disabilities are apparent or not.

By Curtis Ramsey-Lucas, Director of Interfaith Engagement

American Association of People with Disabilities

Why People Don’t Get Help for Alcohol Use

Alcohol misuse is common – more than 16 million US adults (about seven percent) have alcohol use disorder. Yet many people don’t get help.  Less than one in 10 people with alcohol use disorder receiving treatment, according to the 2013 National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

Many people with alcohol use disorder don’t think they need treatment, yet even among people who believe they need treatment, only 15-30 percent receive treatment.  Researchers looking into why people don’t get treatment found barriers related to beliefs and attitude the biggest obstacle.

Among people who believe they need treatment, their attitudes are the most commonly reported barriers, according to research reported  in Psychiatric Services in Advance on August 3, 2015  Financial barriers (e.g., couldn’t afford it) and structural barriers (e.g., didn’t have time, didn’t know where to go) were cited much less frequently.

The top barriers to seeking help for alcohol problems were

I should be strong enough to handle it alone -  42%

The problem would get better by itself - 33%

Not serious enough to seek treatment  - 21%

Too embarrassed to discuss it - 19%

Previous research has identified some characteristics that make if more or less likely that people will seek treatment: unmarried people are more likely to get treatment than married people and men are more likely to get treatment than women.

One ongoing problem, the researchers note, is that many doctors are still uncomfortable asking about alcohol use.

Concerned about your own drinking?  See an online assessment from NIAAA and learn more problem drinking and getting help in Rethinking Drinking. Find help with SAMHSA’s Behavioral Health Treatment Locator or 24-hour toll-free Referral Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (1-800-662-4357).

By Deborah Cohen, Senior Writer, American Psychiatric Association


2020+ Art, Society & Public Health
If you are interested in sharing your work at the next big, free networking event at Manchester School of Art on the 7th October between 10:00am and 4:00pm, please email me an expression of interest in no more than 200 words outlining who you are, what you do and what you'd like to input. The day is all about sharing, exploring and developing new relationships and collaborations, whilst acknowledging we all work in a time of ‘austerity’. 

I'm looking for short and sharp input at 15 minutes maximum. Please only email this to artsforhealth@mmu.ac.uk and please note that there won't be any replies to these emails until the first week of September, and I may not be able to accommodate you all! Applications for general attendance will be open the first week of September. The event now has confirmed international input from colleagues in Finland, Japan and Lithuania and will have approximately 200 delegates.

The UK Arts and Health Research/Development Archive 
This week the work of my friend and colleague Dr Langley Brown has come to fruition. Langley has been working tirelessly with colleagues across the UK who have gathered archives over this last 30 years. The extensive Arts for Health archive, alongside other key collections across the UK, have been gathered at Manchester Metropolitan University and collectively document a representative range of approaches across the arts & health movement since the mid 70s. These archives have now been donated to the Wellcome Library, where they will be catalogued over the next two years before being opened to the public. To mark the acquisition of these collections, the Wellcome Library is to host a Witness Seminar in March 2016, and this will be immediately followed by the inaugural Mike White Memorial Lecture - Mike's archive is one of the collections currently being transferred to the Wellcome. More details about the lecture and the archive will be released as the work and planning progress. My personal thanks to Langley for this important piece of work.

Dying this Week... 
This week, as well as the passing of Cilla and the continued mourning of a celebrity lion in Africa, there were a few other deaths. 

On the 5th August a fishing boat carrying around 700 people capsized of the Libyan coast where around 200 people drowned. The International Organisation for Migration warned that the number of migrants attempting to make the crossing is much higher than in the same period last year, its director general, William Lacy Swing, comments: “It is unacceptable that in the 21st Century people fleeing from conflict, persecutions, misery and land degradation must endure such terrible experiences […] and then die on Europe’s doorstep.” 

On the 6th August we remembered Hiroshima. That’s 80,000 people killed instantly and over course of the year up to 166,000 

8th August was Dying to Know Day 
Friends and colleagues in Australia are ploughing a rich way forward in their conversations about how we die in the 21st century, through their annual Dying to Know Day, co-ordinated by the brilliant Kerrie Noonan and her team at the Groundswell Project. Here’s the lovely Death Talker, Molly Carlile on prime time TV.

Dicing with Dr Death“From his involvement in the deaths of four real-life patients under Australia’s Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, to his fondness for the do-it-yourself approach, Dr Philip Nitschke takes his audience on a rip-roaring ride through his 20 years working with life’s one certainty: death.”Police have intervened to stop a potentially lethal gas being used during a controversial Edinburgh Fringe event over August, by the right-to-die campaigner known as Dr Death.Dr Philip Nitschke was told hours before he was due on stage that he could not use gas cylinders needed for a key part of the show. He had brought his updated euthanasia machine, Destiny, to Scotland, and planned to invite audience members to join him on stage and experience being “gassed” to show how “a peaceful and reliable means of death” is carried out. He was to have used cylinders containing 100 per cent nitrogen, but that was blocked.

And finally - attempting to escape whatever atrocities they’ve experienced in their own countries, people variously labelled refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are dying regularly trying to get into the UK. Whilst it's a shame it messes up our August get-aways, since February this year 12 people have been killed, 11 of them over June/July. Humans - everyone of them - children, lovers, mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers. 

Panic on the Streets of Whitehall...
As the great and the good of Whitehall slug it out in the Labour Leadership campaign, I’m hearing all sorts of gibberish coming from the media and those fighting for power. It’s all largely concerned with taking pot-shots at one-time outsider, Jeremy Corbyn. Now he’s vying for the top slot and gaining the support of young voters, it’s all about how inappropriate he is for the job! What happened to vision and passion in politics and what on earth has happened to Labour? Still basking in the warm glow of its faith healer, Blair, who still has to account publicly for his part in what’s largely agreed, was an illegal war. At least Corbyn wants Blair to stand trial for his "war crimes". Apparently Andy Burnham says he’s all for nationalising the railways, scrapping free schools and academies and scrapping tuition fees! Well whoopee - nothing like a tokenistic nod to the left. Let’s not forget your old government introduced tuition fees Andy. Let’s not forget too, that after putting your moniker on the Prospectus for Arts and Health, you promptly stuck your head in the sand and avoided any publicity about it.

Between Menopause and Old Age, Alternative Beauty – A Workshop 
Monday 23 to Saturday 28 November, 2015, London 
Deadline for applications Wednesday 30 September. 
What is it?The acclaimed Mexican performance artist Rocio Boliver will run a unique workshop for ten older women artists. “My workshop aims to demystify "the horror of old age", inventing my own deranged aesthetic and moral solutions for the "problem of age." I hope my mockery of this absurd contemporary reality exposes a broken society based on looks and how old age became synonymous with insult.” This practical workshop will focus on the possibilities of collaborative approaches and the ways in which working together might open up new possibilities for representations and understandings of some of the issues facing women artists, and particularly older women artists, including the ageing body, disempowerment, and invisibility.

…and to round off this light-hearted summer blog, here's some gentle relief from Philip Larkin.


There is an evening coming in
Across the fields, one never seen before,
That lights no lamps.

Silken it seems at a distance, yet
When it is drawn up over the knees and breast
It brings no comfort.

Where has the tree gone, that locked
Earth to the sky? What is under my hands,
That I cannot feel?

What loads my hands down?


Celebrities Take on Roles as Mental Health Advocates

Actor Jared Padalecki, known for his roles in “Supernatural” and “Gilmore Girls,” has become the latest in a long list of celebrities who are speaking out about mental illness. These famous people are talking about their personal experiences and using their popularity to help raise awareness, fight stigma, and encourage people who are struggling to reach out and get help. Padelecki has talked about his struggles with depression and initiated the #AlwaysKeepFighting campaign to raise awareness and support.

Musician Demi Lovato has been outspoken and public about her experience with bipolar disorder and has become an outspoken advocate for mental health.  She recently joined with several organizations, including the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance, the Jed Foundation, and others, as part of the  Be Vocal: Speak Up for Mental Health initiative. The campaign encourages individuals to speak up for themselves in asking for help and to learn how to speak out for others in the community.

Actress Glenn Close has been outspoken and active in bringing national attention to the issue of mental illness. After seeing her sister cope with a mental illness and the stigma associated with it, Close founded the nonprofit advocacy organization of Bring Change 2 Mind.  

Actor Joey Pantoliano, has also been active in talking about his personal struggles with depression and substance use. He is raising awareness and fighting stigma through his No Kidding, Me Too! foundation.  Among its many activities, NKM2 promotes messages of empowerments and acceptance through an award-winning documentary of the same name and a series of public service announcements.

Brooke Shields has publicly shared her experience with postpartum depression and written her story of despair and recovery in a memoir, “Down Came the Rain: My Journey Through Postpartum Depression.” Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia of “Star Wars” fame) has taken her advocacy to the stage with her autobiographical one-woman play “Wishful Drinking,” where she tells her story of bipolar disorder and substance use with openness and humor.

As Jeffrey Borenstein, M.D., president and CEO of the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation, noted in a recent interview with CNN, "When celebrities speak publicly about their own experiences with depression or other psychiatric conditions, it's very helpful. It opens up a conversation about these issues. If someone you admire is going through the same thing you might be going through, it makes a difference with people, it causes people to seek help."

Borenstein is also host of a PBS series on mental health issues called Healthy Minds.  You can view past episodes on topics such as bipolar disorder, autism, schizophrenia, and more online at WLIW – Healthy Minds.

By Deborah Cohen, senior writer, American Psychiatric Association

Mental Illness Alone is Not a Risk for Gun Violence

While media coverage of gun violence often leaves us with the perception of close link between violence and mental illness, extensive research tells us that many other factors are associated with a greater risk of gun violence. Most people with mental illness are not violent, and most violent acts are committed by people without mental illness.

New research adds to the wealth of evidence that mental illness is not a risk for gun violence. Research published in June in Psychiatric Services in Advance  found that prior violence, substance abuse, and early trauma are more likely to contribute to future violence than mental illness. The study authors conclude that public safety will not be improved by policies “shaped by highly publicized but infrequent instances of gun violence toward strangers.”

A 2006 report from the Institute of Medicine concludes that "… the contribution of people with mental illnesses to overall rates of violence is small, and further, the magnitude of the relationship is greatly exaggerated in the minds of the general population."

People with mental illness are far more likely to be victims of violence—people with serious mental illness are more than 10 times more likely to be

victims of violence than the general public.

And while mental illness is not a major risk factor for gun violence, mental illness is a significant risk factor for suicide.  Some 39,000 people die by suicide in the United States each year—more than 50 percent by firearm (56 percent of men and 31 percent of women), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  Among the major risk factors for suicide are a prior suicide attempt, substance misuse, mood disorders (depression or bipolar disorder), and access to lethal means.  However, research has also identified key protective factors—factors that make it less likely that a person will attempt or die by suicide.  Protective factors include effective mental health care and connection to family, friends and community.

By Deborah Cohen, senior writer, American Psychiatric Association

Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!

A slight blog this week as I succumb to the Black Death. 
Thanks to Pieter Bruegel for his illustrative account of my descent.

DCMS told to plan for up to 40% cuts
The Department for Culture Media and Sport has been told by George Osborne to plan for cuts of 40% over the next three years. DCMS, along with all other government departments except for defence, health, education and international development, have been told to pan for two scenarios for 25% and 40% cuts to 2019. The Arts Council, which had been hoping to negotiate for an increase in grant in aid backed up by the value of the creative industries which contribute £7.7 billion a year to the economy, is expected to take another hit, following the 30% cut to arts funding since 2011 when it fell from £449m to £349m, with another 5% in 2013. 

Arts Council England Funding for Developing Sector Leaders 
The Arts Council England's Developing Sector Leaders programme is open to applications. Funding is available for activities to develop leadership and governance relevant to the arts and culture sectors. Leadership and governance development organisations with a strong track record (over three years of successful delivery of professional development activities) in the cultural sector can apply to this programme. To be eligible for funding organisations must have a national reach across libraries, museums and arts organisations and be compliant with all relevant governance reporting and accountability requirements. Up to £1.5m can be applied for but applicants need to have a minimum of 10% match funding from cash income. Projects must start from January 2016 onwards and complete by September 2019. The deadline for applications is midday on 27th August 2015. Read more at: http://www.artscouncil.org.uk/funding/apply-funding/apply-for-funding/developing-sector-leaders/ 

Artists in Residence Grants 
The Levehulme Trust is offering grants of up to £15,000 to UK universities and museums to foster a new creative collaboration with an artist (visual artists, creative writers, musicians, poets) working in a discipline outside the institution's usual curriculum. Artists may not apply directly - all applications must be made by the host institution. There must be a distinct contrast between the artist and host department's expertise (for example, a poet being hosted by a physics department, a composer by a geography department). The residency must be a newly constituted collaboration between artist and hosts.

The grants provide a stipend of up to £12,500 for the artist and consumable costs, such as artist's materials, of up to £2500. A typical residency would be for ten months based on the artist being present at the host institution for two days per week. The deadline for applications is 4pm on the 10th September 2015. Read more at:

The National Alliance for Museums, Health & Wellbeing is a consortium and website where information about museums and health can be shared; to improve existing practice, help build resilience and provide resources and support for those individuals and organisations working in this area of activity. The Alliance is funded by Arts Council England.https://museumsandwellbeingalliance.wordpress.com


